Enemic Interior - III 7"

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Enemic Interior - III 7"

Mendeku Diskak

"Sometimes, music is just damn good fun.
Catalan punk band Enemic Interior have been around since 2022, and in that time period have dropped two EPs. This year sees them kicking things off with their third EP, which is to be followed by a headline European tour. Frankly, it’s a little bit of a strange release, clocking in at only just over six minutes; I frequently listen to single songs longer than this entire EP whilst making dinner.

But don’t let that fool you. ‘Enemic Interior III’ may only be brief, but it makes sure not a single moment of that time is wasted. Certainly, the band’s core sound is a gritty punk assault on the senses, but moments of surprising complexity, such as the strident gang vocals, the deftly executed guitar leads, and the perfect balance of shouted vocals and sung hooks, paint a picture of a band who have a real artistic vision; this isn’t just a mindless musical rampage.

The back half of this EP is where the band truly shines, with ‘Cos a cos’ and ‘Una Ilança en el meu pit’ acting as a one-two punch of vibrant, intelligently crafted punk adrenaline, as catchy as they are ferocious; Enemic Interior truly know how to create songs that feel like battle cries.

The front half isn’t anything to dismiss either, with three back-to-back tracks of rip roaring punk fun than blasts by with electrifying energy and brilliant musical performances from all aspects of the band; there are relentless heavy riffs, yes, but also impressive guitar leads and rollicking percussion.

Yes, ‘Enemic Interior III’ is only six minutes, but it’s the kind of release that reminds you of what music is truly all about; exploring ideas, cultures and concepts through the medium of sound, and having fun whilst doing so. A life-affirming lightning bolt of a release" - VinylFantasy